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3 Home Maintenance Tips to Get You Through the Winter

Winter is here in Centerpoint, Alabama, and that means it’s time to keep your home in tip-top shape for the season. Taking consistent care of your home now will prevent problems from arising later. Remembering the following maintenance tips will help you keep your home warm and in peak condition.

Keep it Warm

Temperatures can drop enough to freeze the water in your pipes. Always remember that the air inside your walls is cooler than the air in the room, so make sure you never let your temperature drop below 55 degrees, even if you’re trying to save money. The cost of keeping it just a little warmer is well worth preventing burst pipes.

If you haven’t had your furnace checked out or filters changed, make sure you have a professional technician do that as soon as possible.


Many homes have external pipes that run outside of the house, exposed to the cold. If you have a home like this, make sure the pipes are insulated enough to keep them from freezing. Check the insulation throughout the winter to make sure it’s in good condition.

It wouldn’t hurt to put some extra insulation in your attic, garage, or anywhere else where cold can more easily leak through. You’ll stay warmer and save some money on your heating bill.

Be Aware

Cold fronts can arrive unexpectedly, so keep an eye on your local weather. If the temperature drops considerably, turn on your faucets just enough to let them drip. Just a little movement can keep the water from freezing inside the pipes. In case your pipes do end up freezing, know where to turn off your water. This can help prevent the pipes from bursting once it warms up.

When it gets too cold, turn up the heat a bit, open the doors to all the rooms, and even the cupboard doors under the sinks. Let the heat get in and warm up your pipes.

Set up an appointment with One Source Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical to have your HVAC system evaluated and receive any necessary maintenance, or give us a call at (205) 509-1929.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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