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Thermostat Displaying a Dollar Sign

5 Symptoms of a Broken Thermostat In Hoover, AL

The last thing you want to experience this Hoover, AL, winter is a furnace that stops working well. Below are five signs that indicate that you may have a broken thermostat.

Furnace Won’t Cycle On or Off

The thermostat might require an upgrade when all the settings look correct but the furnace won’t start running. Another issue that indicates a broken thermostat is when the HVAC system won’t turn off after adjusting the unit to the “off” position.

Incorrect Temperature

Do you notice that your home won’t reach the desired warmth during cold winter days and nights? If you do, then it’s possible that your HVAC system requires a new thermostat. Schedule a heating repair appointment so that your technician can figure out the problem

Inaccurate Thermostat Display

An incorrect display indicates a faulty thermostat. Consider replacing your thermostat if you see the following problems:

  • Blank display
  • Missing information (such as current temperature)
  • Reading the wrong temperature

Thermostat Buttons Don’t Operate Correctly

If you notice that your thermostat buttons don’t work properly when you push them, then a new thermostat is likely needed. While it’s possible that your technician could tighten a couple loose wires inside the unit, it’s typically better to replace the thermostat entirely so that you don’t continue experiencing problems.

Higher Energy Bill

It’s never a pleasant experience to open a power bill and see a higher-than-expected amount due. A bad thermostat can cause increases in energy bills. Consider replacing the thermostat when you notice that your furnace is overworking and costing your family more money each month.

Do you have reason to think that your HVAC system needs a new thermostat? Contact One Source Heating & Cooling and schedule a heating maintenance appointment so that one of our technicians can explain your options.

Image provided by iStock

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