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HVAC system surge protection

4 Ways to Protect Your HVAC System From Severe Weather

Your HVAC system can be severely damaged by bad weather. Issues with your system can result in a complete breakdown, forcing you to buy a new system. These four ways can help to prevent damage to your HVAC system in Hoover, Alabama, during extreme weather.

Protect Your HVAC System Against a Surge

A high-quality HVAC surge protector will protect your system against severe surges associated with storms and power outages. The surge protector will automatically shut your system down when there is an increase in the line voltage. It will also protect your heating and cooling system from everyday surges that, over time, damage your system.

It’s always best to hire a professional to install a surge protector for your heating and cooling system.

Anchor Your HVAC Equipment

Ensure that your HVAC equipment is safely secured and installed on a concrete pad to avoid it from being moved by the wind, or washed away during possible flooding.

Turn Your HVAC System Off

When you know that bad weather is approaching, be proactive and turn off your HVAC system. This will also help to protect your system against power surges from lightning strikes or when the power is turned on after an outage.

After a power outage, keep your system off for at least five minutes after the power comes on. This will decrease the potential of your system being damaged by any variations in power when your system turns back on.

Check for Damage

Before turning your AC system on after a storm, make sure it’s not obviously damaged. First, check that there are no signs of damage and clear away any storm debris from around the system. Call One Source Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical for a system inspection if you notice any damage or flooding to the equipment. Once you have checked for damage, you can turn on your heating and cooling system.

Contact One Source Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical to learn more about how to protect your HVAC system from severe weather. Call us at (205) 509-1929.

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