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4 Ways a Learning Thermostat Can Improve Your Life

Many Birmingham, Alabama, homeowners might find themselves constantly adjusting the temperature on their thermostat, trying to find the balance between staying comfortable and saving money. But new technology is making it easier for you to find that perfect temperature. Here are four reasons purchasing a learning thermostat can improve your home’s comfort and convenience.

Is Self-Learning

Learning thermostats sense your routine, learn your temperature preferences, and adjust the temperature accordingly. As your system gets smarter, it designs a temperature schedule that’s tailored to your needs. They can even tell when you’re not home and adjust the temperature to reflect your absence.

Saves Money and Energy

With heating and cooling expenses accounting for up to 50 percent of a household’s utility costs, installing a learning thermostat can help you save as much as $1,200 over 10 years. Learning thermostat company Nest reports their users saved an average 12 percent on heating bills and 15 percent on cooling bills. Some models even display when you’re entering into an “energy-saving” temperature zone.

These learning thermostats can also monitor your home’s humidity level to determine if it’s necessary to turn on the HVAC system to cool the air or if simply turning on the fans to circulate the air will keep temperatures comfortable.

Is Adjustable From Anywhere

The connectivity of these devices means you can adjust the temperature in your home from just about anywhere. You can monitor and change your settings remotely to ensure your home’s temperature is always at an efficient, cost-saving setting.

Offers Insights

Another advantage of these devices is they provide useful reports on your historical energy usage, showing when you used the most and the least energy — and whether that was due to your temperature settings or to the weather outside.

If you’re considering installing a learning thermostat to save on your monthly utility bills, call One Source Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical at 334-203-3466. Our trained HVAC experts can help you select the right technology for you and your lifestyle.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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