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Health Benefits of A Whole-House Air Purifier in Gardendale, AL

Indoor air quality is a health concern for homeowners in Gardendale, AL, and the world at large. However, equipping your home with a whole-house air purifier can help you maintain excellent indoor air quality since it eradicates most airborne pollutants. Read this guide to learn about the benefits you can realize from installing a whole-house air purifier in your home.

Relieve Asthma Symptoms

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one in 12 people in the United States is asthmatic. Air pollutants can irritate their airways and cause breathing difficulties.

Vacuuming your house can help eradicate some of the air pollutants such as pollen, pet dander, dust and other allergens. However, some of these particles will remain suspended in the air, increasing the possibility of asthma attacks.

Equipping your house with a whole-house air purifier can help you maintain excellent indoor air quality. An air purifier can help remove asthma and allergens triggers from the air, thus reducing the possibility of breathing difficulties resulting from asthma.

Eliminate Harmful Chemicals From the Air

Indoor air contains a percentage of external pollutants, such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. And if you live in cities or towns, the level tends to increase due to high vehicle traffic and industrial activity.

Several research studies suggest that exposure to nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Other gases such as radon can expose people to health risks such as cancer or neurological disorders. Equipping your home with an air purifier can cleanse the air of these harmful pollutants, lessening the risk of health problems.

Protect Household Members From Respiratory Distress

Infants and the elderly are always at a higher risk of inhaling pollutants since they spend most of their time indoors. This may increase their chances of getting respiratory conditions such as pneumonia, acute bronchitis and asthma.

Airborne infections can spread via pathogens floating in the air, making it easy to infect the entire family if one member catches a cold or flu. This is because all family members tend to breathe the same air contaminated with viruses and bacteria.

Using a whole-house air purifier can help eradicate these risks by providing everyone with clean air. The air purifier captures airborne viruses and bacteria, safeguarding your entire family from health risks.

Improve Your Sleep

Indoor air impurities such as dust mites, fungi, and bacteria can trigger hay fever. Hay fever can result in a runny nose, which may last for several weeks. It can also result in nose congestion, frequent sneezing and coughing that can disrupt your sleep.

Inadequate sleep can result in drowsiness, which may affect your productivity. Equipping your home with a whole-house purifier can help you avoid sleep disruptions by filtering out most allergens from your home.

Eliminate Hazardous Asbestos Particles

In the late 1960s, asbestos materials were commonly used for roofing and insulating pipes. With age, these structures shed, exposing asbestos particles to the air.

Inhaling asbestors particles can result in lung disease, swelling in the neck, and lung cancer. Installing a whole-house air purifier can help capture these particles, protecting you from some health risks. You can also opt to protect yourself by replacing the asbestos structures with other roofing materials.

Enjoy Cleaner and Healthier Air

Whole-house air purifiers have germicidal capabilities that help improve the indoor air quality. This can help you maintain your family’s health and prevent the air conditioning system from spreading germs throughout the house. Having the right kind of whole-house air purifier can help to protect your family from colds and other viruses.

Contact our team at One Source Heating, Cooling & Electrical to learn more about whole-home air purifiers and how they can help you improve your home’s indoor air quality. We have qualified and experienced technicians who will help you achieve your goals.

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