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Save Money and Improve Energy Efficiency

Are you fed up with ever-increasing utility bills? You can lower Birmingham, AL, heating and cooling costs by improving HVAC energy efficiency. Here are four ways skim the fat off your energy costs and increase comfort at the same time.

1. Go Ductless

With a ductless system, you can set up zones in your Birmingham home and maintain each zone at a different temperature. Cool the bedroom while you sleep without cooling the whole house. There’s no need for duct work, so you won’t lose heated and cooled air through leaky ducts. Going ductless can shave up to 40 percent off your utility bills.

2. Install a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats let you preset indoor temperatures for up to seven days in advance. When you pair a programmable thermostat with a zoned system, the savings can be spectacular. Of course, you could manually change temperatures to achieve the same savings, but when you go programmable, you can “set it and forget it,” and you’ll never miss a temperature adjustment.

3. Don’t Ignore HVAC Maintenance

You can save up to 95 percent on potential repair costs with Birmingham HVAC maintenance. Tuneups optimize equipment performance; optimal performance means lower utility bills. Preventive maintenance also extends the lifespan of your equipment which prevents the need for premature heating and air conditioner replacement.

4. Upgrade to a Geothermal Heat Pump

If you really want to slash utility bills, nothing delivers results faster than geothermal heating and cooling. This eco-friendly HVAC system uses below-ground thermal energy to heat and cool your home. Geothermal systems maintain high energy efficiency even on the hottest Birmingham days, and they will heat your water too. These systems are up to six times more efficient than electric heating and up to 75 percent more efficient than traditional air conditioners.

For more helpful tips on how to lower Birmingham, AL, heating and cooling costs, visit One Source Heating & Cooling or call (205) 509-1929.

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