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HVAC Checklist When Buying an Older Home

Buying an older home means buying whatever baggage comes with the house. Often this means an aging or worn HVAC unit. However, rather than let a bad air conditioner ruin your new home, you can check a few key parts of the system before buying to know the extent of necessary repairs. When purchasing an older home, use this article to look for HVAC damage and know when you should call One Source Heating & Cooling in Hoover, Alabama for help.

Indoor Unit Check

Many parts of an indoor HVAC unit can be complex, and waiting for a professional contractor might be best before taking out any screws. Indoor units should be checked for the following:

  • Unusual sounds or odors
  • Presence and condition of the air filters
  • Cleanliness of evaporator coils, drain pans, and any other drain lines
  • Cleanliness of blower assembly and blower housing
  • Presence of potential gas leaks in the furnaces
  • Condition of the fan belt
  • Properly maintained ventilation
  • Temperatures of wet and dry bulbs
  • Signs of any corrosion

Keep in mind that these are only some of the items on the HVAC checklist.

Outdoor Unit Check

The outdoor HVAC unit is just as tricky to maintain as an indoor unit, though preventive maintenance and other checks can help ensure that you’re getting a good system for your home. Start with the following tasks:

  • Clean away debris from the unit
  • Inspect all drain openings and remove any impediments
  • Inspect the unit’s fan blades and motor for any issues
  • Check the cabinet and any coils
  • Make sure the unit has necessary levels of refrigerant

Learn More from a One Source Heating & Cooling Representative

Buying that next home should be a wonderful opportunity for you and your family. By following this HVAC checklist, you can offer information to the technician, before they even look at your HVAC unit. For more information on how a professional contractor can service your HVAC system, contact a representative of One Source Heating & Cooling today, or call us at (205) 509-1929.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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