Insulation in an attic improves the retention of heated or cooled air to increase your comfort at home. This guide highlights the signs that your Hoover, AL, home’s attic may need new insulation and the benefits of getting it installed.
The Key Benefits of Insulating Your Attic
There are many contaminants that float around in the air outside of your home. The biggest threats that affect air quality are dust mites, dirt clouds and pet dander. After these contaminates enter an attic, they can quickly compromise other areas in a home.
If you want to breathe easier, you must protect your attic. The best solution for this task is proper insulation. We highly recommend adding new if your current insulation is very old; after we remove current insulation, any old contaminates that are on its surfaces will also leave the attic.
New insulation can also help preserve HVAC hardware. Especially in an older house, the air conditioning system will work harder to regulate cool or hot air in multiple spaces if it is inefficient in the attic. When an attic has a solid layer of insulating material, cool air never lingers in the lower levels of a home while heat rises; this process creates heat gain, which can put additional stress on an HVAC system.
When to Invest in Insulation for an Attic
During the summer, inspect the ceilings in the attic for moisture. If the ceiling has water spots, the attic has a problem.
In the winter, perform another inspection everywhere in your home. Pay attention to the temperature in different areas while the heating system is running. If some spaces are colder than others, the insulation in your attic and other spaces may be inadequate.
Call One Source Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical for convenient an attic insulation consultation and installation services. If your attic has leaks, set up an appointment today with one of our technicians to address any issues.
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