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Do I Really Need an HVAC Maintenance Plan?

You might already have a warranty on your HVAC system to cover defects and a homeowner’s insurance policy that covers natural disasters, but did you know you could also benefit from an HVAC maintenance plan? In most cases, it covers twice-a-year service to keep your HVAC system running smoothly.

Preventive Maintenance

An HVAC maintenance plan includes regular visits from a certified mechanic who cleans and inspects all aspects of your system. This makes the early detection of problems far more likely so you don’t have to worry about big expenses down the road. Plus, you don’t want your air conditioner to fail during the summer or your furnace to give out during the coldest month of the year.

It’s similar to taking your car to a mechanic for a once-over or visiting your doctor for a wellness check-up. Maintenance plans prevent both costly repairs and inconvenient lapses in service. Additionally, your system will last longer, which means far fewer expenses over the long haul.

Consistent Service

When you have an HVAC maintenance plan, you know who will respond to your inquiries about preventive maintenance and repairs. As soon as you notice a problem, you can call your residential HVAC provider and ask for an appointment. There’s no need to scour the yellow pages or call everyone you know for a reference. You’ll enjoy peace of mind knowing that your HVAC system remains in the hands of a qualified professional.

No Waiting Lists or Deductibles

An HVAC maintenance plan offers a host of benefits including priority status when your HVAC system has a problem, which means faster service so your comfort is restored quickly.

If you’re ready to buy an HVAC maintenance plan, or have questions, visit us online or call 205.209.4246.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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