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AC expenses

4 Ways to Keep Your AC Running Efficiently in Warrior, AL

As summer temperatures continue in Warrior, AL, you want to keep your home cool and escape the blistering heat. The problem is that running your AC for hours on end will make cooling your house your largest energy expense during this time. Here are four ways to keep your AC running efficiently.

1. Keep Area Clear Around Outdoor AC Condenser

To keep your outdoor unit running efficiently, keep it clear of debris. A simple tidying up will do. Let a certified HVAC technician perform a comprehensive diagnosis and make any needed repairs to avoid inadvertently damaging your AC.

2. Seal Gaps To Keep AC Air Inside

You’ll want to keep as much cool air inside as possible. Although there may be no visible gaps or slits where air might be escaping, the crevices around your doors and windows might be letting the cool air out. Weather-strip around these areas in your home with foam insulation tape.

3. Lessen the Heat From Outside

During the day, keep draperies and blinds closed to avoid heat gain through windows. To save on energy costs, you can also switch to LED bulbs, which produce less heat.

4. Adjust Your Thermostat

Increasing your thermostat setting by a few degrees is also a good way to save money and energy. If you’re not used to doing this, then start by programming your thermostat to change the temperature up a bit while sleeping. Just 5 to 8 degrees will make a difference in your bill.

Taking care of your air conditioner will future-proof your summers for years to come, and these no-cost tips should increase its lifespan. However, if you’re in Warrior, AL, and need a professional HVAC service to help you with AC maintenance, give One Source Heating & Cooling a call today to schedule an in-person appointment!

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