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HVAC technician

4 Common HVAC Repairs

HVAC stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. If you live in Fultondale, AL, you know that effective heating and cooling systems are essential to help in regulating the temperature in your home year-round. Learn about these four common HVAC repairs, and then call a professional HVAC technician if you think your cooling system needs a repair to continue running well this summer.

Condenser Unit Air Conditioning Repair

You can seek the help of a trained technician to repair the air conditioner’s condenser unit. This component is essential because it controls the functioning of the refrigerant in the closed circuit.

HVAC Air Duct Repair

This is another vital air conditioning repair process, as air ducts vents are visible throughout your home, and any damage will lead to complications. You might encounter problems including long-running cycles of the air conditioner, poor air conditioning circulation, and low indoor air quality. Homeowners experiencing any of these should seek the help of our team of experts for duct repair.

Furnace Repair

The furnace is vital in providing heat. The furnace parts need to work in unison to provide the right indoor temperature. Some issues that come with broken furnaces include a cracked heat exchanger, which is serious and will need a technician right away. Contact Your HVAC specialist, who will restore your furnace to its proper working condition.

HVAC Compressor Repair

The compressor helps in releasing heat from the refrigeration process. The compressor has a motor and several electrical wiring systems. If any of these is failing, you should seek the help of a certified HVAC specialist to help repair the compressor and prevent further damage.

Contact our team of experts at One Source Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical to schedule an appointment for any of the range of services we provide to our clients, including maintenance, air conditioning repair and installation services. We’re ready to help residents of our service areas keep their cool all summer long.

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